Monday, March 26, 2012

Lesson 17 - Trusting the Lord

Lesson 17 - Trusting the Lord
What meant the most to you from this chapter or helped you think more accurately about God’s character and the truth of His Word?

What offered you the greatest challenge or blessing, and why?

Knowing God
Write out Romans 8:28.  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

An opportunity to trust the Lord seems to arise almost daily for many of God’s children, doesn’t it?

What truths about God are proclaimed in this verse?

While we are in this world, hoping and waiting for what we cannot see, we must be praying.

Hope = Desire
Desire offered up to God = Prayer

We need to change our perspective of God to where we see God as the God of the Bible -- supreme, sovereign, and sensitive. 

We should always interpret experience by truth and we do this by filtering every pain through the lens of deity.  It is only when God is in sharp focus, then will our life be undistorted. 

God uses these biblically sound thoughts to help us respond to the events in our lives calmly, rationally, and with hope because we know Him.  It is when we acknowledge God’s supreme role in our lives and set our minds on Him, He enables us to be filled with hope.

For whom does God promise to work all things for good?

How should the truth about God and His promise in Romans 8:28 change your perspective and attitude toward your difficulties, losses, hurts, and tragedies?

Knowing God the Father
Enthusiasm for life is established and rooted in the knowledge of the God who gives us the promise of Romans 8:28.

Let’s consider some background facts:
·        In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul thoroughly and powerfully presents the doctrine of justification by faith.
·        In chapter 8, Paul affirms the blessed position of those of us who name Jesus as our Savior.
·        By virtue of His death for our sins, we are accepted by God as His children.
·        Paul offers believers hope and comfort in their trials as he explains that the very trials that threaten us are actually “overruled” by God.
·        Romans 8:28 gives us knowledge of God that bears the fruit of hope in our lives.

It is our love to God that makes every external circumstance sweet, and therefore profitable. Those that love God make the best of all he does, and take all in good part.

They are the called according to his purpose.  The call is effectual, not according to our purpose, but according to God's own gracious purpose.

Either directly or indirectly, every external circumstance has a tendency to the spiritual good of those that love God, breaking them off from sin, bringing them nearer to God, weaning them from the world, and fitting them for heaven.

Whenever tough times come our way, we can find ourselves falling into that same trap of thinking that God made a mistake…that He wasn’t there when we needed Him.  Thoughts like these rob us of our hope.

The Bible describes a God who is perfect in His wisdom, His ways, and His timing.

He is a God who is with us always, and a God who loves us.

During our tough times, we must turn to these biblical truths about God and let them comfort and assure us of His presence.  God is with us always!  He doesn’t make mistakes!  He is always in control.

Read Matthew 6:9-13.  To whom are you to pray?  To God only, and not to saints and angels, for they are ignorant of us, are not to have the high honors we give in prayer, nor can give favors we expect.

How does this prayer show love toward God, respect for God, and dependence on God?  We must pray, not only alone and for ourselves, but with and for others; for we are members one of another, and are called into fellowship with each other.

How does this prayer help you understand the Father’s ability to take care of “all things” in your life and comfort you?  He is not only, as a Father, able to help us, able to do great things for us, more than we can ask or think; he has wherewith to supply our needs, for every good gift is from above.

Knowing God Is at Work
What do the following verses say about God’s work in your life?

            Psalm 57:2 - I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.

            Psalm 138:8a - The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me:

Philippians 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

            Philippians 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

James 1:2-4 - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; (3) Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. (4) But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Step 1:  List the negatives in your life.
Step 2: Acknowledge God in the “negatives”.
Step 3: Thank God for each “negative”.

Knowing God Works All Things Together
Look again at Romans 8:28.  What does God want you to “know” -- not hope or wish?

Because God is God - He is able to weave together every single aspect and event in your life and produce something good of it.

What does “all things” include?  What are you struggling with most today?

Because God is God - He also causes everything in your life “to cooperate to the furtherance and final completion of His high design”.

If God promises to work all things together for good, how should that change your view on any bad things?

Because God is God - He is able to overrule all of the evil in your life and cause it to work together for good.

Loving God…Even More
Read this section in your book again.  As you consider the contents of this chapter and God’s amazing love for you, what can you do this week, in obedience to Christ…

            …to count on God’s goodness?
            …to remember God’s power at work in your life?
            …to love God with all your mind?

We know that in everything God works for good.

Counting on God's Goodness

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lesson 16 - Pressing Toward God's Purpose

Lesson 16 -
Pressing Toward God’s Purpose

Retirement….something that we all seem to work towards our entire life.

Sadly, many are also retiring from active Christian life and service to God’s people.

This is not in God’s plan!  Look through the scriptures…you won’t find one saint who quit, even though they may have wanted to, instead they kept pressing on toward God’s purpose for their lives.

People in the Bible Who Focused to the End
In one sentence, what do you find most striking about the following individuals who pressed toward the finish in their journey of faith?

Star the one that gives you encouragement or direction for this week.

          Abraham (Hebrews 11:8 - 16, 39):  Throughout his life, he responded to God’s 
 command to move continually.  He could have quit, but he pressedon until he died.

          Moses (Numbers 27:12-23; Deuteronomy 31:7-8):  Aged and weary, he kept on serving the Lord.  He could have quit, but he didn’t, he pressed on and spent the rest of his days teaching the law, preparing the priests, and encouraging Joshua to lead
                     God’s people into the land his feet would never touch.

          Samuel (1 Samuel 8:1-5; 12:1, 23):  He was called by God to be His prophet.  He could have quit after the people of Israel rejected his leadership, but he didn’t he kept on praying and preaching and spent the rest of his life helping Saul, the man who took his place as the leader of the nation.

          David (1 Chronicles 17:1-4; 22:5, 8-11):  He passionately yearned to build a temple to God, But God wouldn’t let him (1 Chronicles 22:8).  He could have quit, but he didn’t he kept on pressing on for the Lord.  He spent his last days making plans and gathering materials so that his son Solomon could build the temple (1 Chronicles 22:5-19)

          Paul (Ephesians 6:19-20; Philippians 1:13; Philemon 1,9):  In prison, Paul spent his final days writing letters that would guide the church of Jesus Christ in the future. He could have quit in his impending death, but he kept on pressing on to the end of  his life by offering encouragement, exhortation, and comfort through his pen.

          John (Revelation 1:9,19):  Exhiled in his old age to the island of Patmos, he could have quit, but he pressed on and served out his purpose as prophet with words that still speak to us today.

          Christ (Luke 9:51; John 19:30; Hebrews 12:2):  God’s Son knew about the cross, he could have quit, but He pressed on toward it.  When it was time, He endured it to the end (Hebrews 12:2).  As He hung dying on that cruel instrument of torture to save us from our sins.

Each one of these people listed had a valid reason to quit.  People told them “no”, God told them “no”, circumstances told them “no”….yet not one of them quit, resigned, or retired. 

The race wasn’t finished and they pressed on.

People in Our Time Who Focused to the End
Name a few people you know or know of who focused on giving their all for Christ to the end.  What impressed you most about them?

Perseverance always impresses me about people, as well as commitment and loyalty to the cause.

Christians who are focused on “the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” know that the prize awaits them at the end of the race.  While we may enjoy minor rewards that come along the way, the highest honor doesn’t come until we’ve run the entire race.

Acting on our love for God…we are to press on and serve Him every day of our lives.  We will receive the ultimate prize when we are face-to-face with our Lord, who himself endured to the end.

Running Unencumbered
Read Hebrews 12:1.

What habits, thought patterns, goals, or activities are holding you back, slowing you down, or keeping the pursuit of God from being the most important activity in your life?

What goals are keeping your pursuit of God from being the most important activity in your life?

What messages from the world are drowning out God’s call to you?

What do you need to lay aside so that you can better serve God, so that you can be in better running condition?

A Look in the Mirror
Look one last time at Philippians 3:13-14.  These are the words of a man who knows the purpose of his life and who is focused on that goal.

Paul’s “one thing I do” was pressing toward the prize.  Then look at Hebrews 12:1-4.  Note the verbs in each of the following phrases and share something you must do immediately.

          Lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us…”

          Run with patience the race that is set before us…”

          Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”

          Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be 
            wearied and faint in your minds…”

Have you, like Paul, determined your purpose in Christ?
If so, are you doing your best to serve God and achieve that goal?
Are you experiencing His grace as you try?
Are you keeping your eyes on Jesus and letting Him inspire you along the way?
Are you committed to press on to the end of your life?
And are you laying aside whatever entangles you?

We who name Christ our Lord and Savior are called to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind.  This command gives our lives purpose, richness, and a significance that enhances our walk with the Savior.  May we seek nothing other than to follow Him to the end, to exhibit His radiance along the way, and to accomplish His purposes for us.

Loving God…Even More

Read this section in your book again.  As you consider the contents of this chapter and God’s amazing love for you, what can you do this week, in obedience to Christ…

          …to press for the prize?
          …to remember to forget?
          …to love God with all your mind?

With the goal in view, I press on..

Lesson 15 - Keep on Keeping On

Lesson 15 -
Keep on Keeping on

What meant the most to you from this chapter or helped you think more accurately about God’s character and the truth of His Word?

What offered you the greatest challenge or blessing, and why?

Our Call to Press On
Before we move on to the third step in Paul’s pursuit of spiritual maturity, review Philippians 3:13-14 and list Steps 1 and 2:

          Step 1:
          Step 2:

What is Paul’s third step for spiritual growth?
Would you describe your efforts at pressing on as giving your utmost for God’s highest?  Why or why not?

A Grand Purpose
Read Psalm 37:4-5.  What is your part or role in these verses?

What is God’s part or role in these verses?

How can you make sure you are doing your part?

What are your lifetime goals or desires?  In very few words, jot down two or three of them.

A Concerted Effort
One of my daily desires is to live a purposeful lifestyle -- to give my best and my all in everything I do.  How do you think a “grand purpose” and lifetime goals encourage you to live a more purposeful lifestyle?

“Wings Like Eagles”
Read Isaiah 40:28-31.  What is your part or role in these verses?

What is God’s part or role in these verses?

How can you make sure you are doing your part?

Focusing on the Goal
Read Proverbs 3:5-6.  What is your part or role in these verses?

What is God’s part or role in these verses?

How can you make sure you are doing your part?

What are the desires of your heart…or, put another way, what are your lifetime goals?

Loving God…Even More

Read this section in your book again.  As you consider the contents of this chapter and God’s amazing love for you, what can you do this week, in obedience to Christ…

          …to press for the prize?
          …to remember to forget?
          …to love God with all your mind?

With the goal in view, I press on..

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lesson 14 - Focusing Forward...and Sailing On!

Focusing Forward…And Sailing On!

What meant the most to you from this chapter or helped you think more accurately about God’s character and the truth of His Word?

What offered you the greatest challenge or blessing, and why?

Pursuing Excellence
Read again the brief summary of Joseph’s life in your book. (Even better, if you have the time, read Genesis 39-45.)  Note how Joseph accepted and handled each of these difficult instances:
  •   Sold into slavery by envious borthers (Genesis 39:1-6).
 Joseph chose to serve God by doing the best he could wherever he was and whatever the circumstances of his life.

He chose to forget his past in Israel and “go on…to where he became the best slave and amanager of Potiphar’s household…until he was unjustly imprisoned.

  • Unjustly accused by Ptiphar’s wife (Genesis 39:6-23).
 To go on… to where he became the best prisoner in the dungeon, and later, the best manager of the prisoners.

  • Forgotten in prison (Genesis 4:1-41:1)
 To go on…to where he soon became the best in a government position, a priviledged position that enable him to feed his father, brothers, and their families when they arrived in Egypt in search of food from famine-struck Israel.

Joseph shows us excellence every step of the way…through the good and the bad.  Mark this lesson well!

What adversities or difficulties are you presently facing?  How can you follow Joseph’s example and “turn adversity into opportunity”?

Like Joseph successfully move on from the past, but don’t forget the instances of God’s goodness!

Bearing Fruit in the Land of Your Affliction
Where has God placed -- or “planted” -- you, and how does Joseph’s story inspire you to “bloom where you are planted”?

Maybe you find yourself living where you don’t want to be or working where you don’t want to be.

Many times, like Joseph, we are not where we used to be and not where we want to be…and not where we’re going to be!

And many times, like Joseph, we find ourselves holding positions or having responsibilities we did not choose for ourselves. 

In these times, follow Joseph’s example…

          --forget the past,
          --forgive those who have caused us pain,
          --focus on the present time and place, and
          --follow after excellence

While expecting God to work His goodness and purpose in the circumstances.  Whatever your situation, it is an opportunity to “go on” and bear fruit for His kingdom.

Remember, however difficult the circumstances, He will enable you to accomplish something for Him as you look to Him and focus on being useful to Him and to others.

Existing…or Serving?
What model did Jesus set for us in Matthew 20:28?  How far did He go to live out His purpose?  Do you think Jesus was existing…or serving?  Please explain your answer.

It is easy for circumstances to make it difficult for us to pursue excellence as we serve God; we can become people who merely exist rather than ones who actively serve God.

If we become content with where we are, we can fail to press forward toward Christ-like maturity.

And how about you?  Are you existing…or serving?  Are you a Joseph, or would you be more like “the lady by the lake”?  Please explain.

How would fresh goals focused on serving others help you be more active and productive in reaching and pressing for the prize found in Philippians 3:14?  Can you name one new goal?

Whether we find ourselves in difficult circumstances or enjoying a life of comfort, we must resolve to focus on God’s purpose for us and press for it…for the prize!

Choose to pursue God’s will for yourself.
Fixing Your Heart and Mind on God
The author of our book tells of how when she sits down for her bible time, her mind begins racing towards her list of things that need to be done for the day and becomes a struggle for her to focus and fight the urge to jump up and start on her daily tasks.  We probably can all relate to this to some degree.

Ask God to clear your mind of all that interferes with your time together.

How do these scriptures help you fix your heart and mind on God?

          Isaiah 26:3
          Philippians 4:6-7

Keeping a Vigilant, Steady Focus
Throughout our busy days, whatever situations come our way, God will help us keep our focus on Him and on what lies in our path.

How has learning about forgetting, reaching, and pressing forward prepared you for handling stressful situations?  Share a time when you chose to go on in spite of a stressful situation.

Hearing God’s Voice
As we run the Christian race, many voices call us to abandon the effort…The world woos us away from following Christ and offers tempting rewards for choosing it way to what it deems “success.”

We feel pressure to be like people in the neighborhood or at the office, and we aren’t always affirmed in our efforts toward excellence.

The world doesn’t acknowledge the cause of Christ or value the commitment His cause requires.

Despite all of this…the Christian who is looking ahead and reaching forward has ears for only one voice…God’s voice.

God’s strong voice urges us to “go on, go on, go on, go on” and offers us the encouragement we need as we serve Him.

Colossians 3:2 calls us to look ahead, to determine our God-given purpose, and to direct our focus forward.

God’s Word reassures us that He is with us as we run this race, offering guidance and strength each step of the way.
List a few reasons you think Christians fail to press for the prize of the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.  What is the greatest roadblock to your continuing efforts to press forward, and how can you overcome it?

Loving God…Even More

Read this section in your book again.  As you consider the contents of this chapter and God’s amazing love for you, what can you do this week, in obedience to Christ…
          …to press for the prize?
          …to remember to forget?
          …to love God with all your mind?

With the goal in view, I press on..